Board of Directors Meeting


Tuesday, March 19, 1996--7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

La Salle Apartments--36 S. 9th Street

Party Room

Called to Order: 7:00 p.m. by Vice-chair, Mike Olson (MO) for Paul Barber (PB).



Donald Hicks (DH) MOVED to allow Luther Krueger and Officer Tom Sawina to present the National Night Out material first.

Dolores Cotten (DC) SECONDED the motion.

The motion unanimously CARRIED.

1. National Night Out--Luther Krueger, CCP/SAFE and Officer Tom Sawina, Minneapolis Police Department.

Luther Krueger informed the group that the downtown Minneapolis area has not participated in National Night Out, which occurs on August 6th. Every year the different cities in the United States are judged for the National Night Out event. The Minneapolis neighborhoods placed first in 1994 for National Night Out.

The downtown National Night Out would consist of a parade and an event. The plans are still in the brainstorming stage.

He stated that plans were currently being formed to conduct the parade down Nicollet Mall. The parade would occur at the noon hour and would include all Minneapolis neighborhoods. He suggested that the downtown neighborhood could plan one float for the entire neighborhood or the different areas and/or apartment buildings could each build a float.

The National Night Out event would be held later in the evening. He suggested that the downtown neighborhood could plan one event for the entire neighborhood or the different areas and/or apartment buildings could each plan an event.

Both the parade and evening event would be self-funded.

Possibly, the downtown neighborhood could solicit business contributions for the event.

Bill Stark agreed to meet with Luther and discuss the plan further.

MO asked the Board members to brainstorm and think about strategies to fund and organize National Night Out. This will be put on the agenda for the April Board meeting.

2. Cedar Lake Trail Extension to Mississippi River; Design Review--Ronda Rae- Minneapolis Public Works; Transportation Division.

Ronda informed the group about the commuter bike system that exists and the plans to connect the existing commuter bike system to the river in the downtown area. She exhibited a map that illustrated the proposed plan. Ronda stated that the bike trail could not go under the Washington Street bridge, which is a major obstacle. One solution to this obstacle would be to install traffic signals at the bridge so that bicyclists could cross Washington Street.

The plans for this proposal need to be submitted to the State by June 1, 1996. Ronda stated that she was giving the DMRA Board an opportunity to provide input or object. Ronda would be willing to meet with the DMRA Board again at the April Board meeting to get the Board's opinion.

3. Stadium Referendum (originally agenda item number seven under Reports)--Billie Binder, Council President Cherryhomes' Office.

Billie informed the group that the legislature might not pass a non-binding referendum. The referendum would have determined whether the taxpayers want to spend money on the new Stadium. He stated that no formal process has begun for a new stadium. No sites have been suggested and any information that anyone has received is merely speculative at this point.

BS suggested that the Stadium Committee, as a neutral party, should meet with the Downtown Sports Authority to discuss any plans for a stadium.

4. Secretary's Report--Mike Olson (for open position)

a. Roll Call:

i. Directors Present: Bob Saginaw (BS), George Rosenquist (GR), John LaVine (JL), Dolores Cotten (DC), Andy Hauer (AH), Mike Olson (MO), Donald Hicks (DH).

ii. Excused: Paul W. Barber (PB), Eunice Roo (ER).

iii. Absent:

iv. Staff: Bill P. Stark (BPS).

v. Guests: Ronda Rae-Minneapolis Public Works-Transportation Division; Becky Sisco, Skyway News; Billie Binder, Council President Cherryhomes' Office; Frank Brust, Minneapolis Downtown Council, Sandra Meyer, RiverGate Apartments; Luther Krueger, CCP/SAFE, Officer Tom Sawina, Minneapolis Police Department.

b. Minutes from the January Board Meeting:

DH MOVED to approve the January 1996 minutes.

DC SECONDED the motion.

JL proposed to amend the motion. He stated that he would like his version of the "Relationship Between DMRA and the Downtown Council" to replace the other two versions from that section of the January minutes.

MO read that section of JL's letter.

AH MOVED to accept the amendment.

BS SECONDED the motion.

DH abstained. One Opposed.

The motion CARRIED.

c. Minutes from the February Board Meeting:

DH MOVED to approve the February 1996 minutes.

DC SECONDED the motion.

The motion unanimously CARRIED.

5. Treasurer's Report--AH

AH distributed copies of the Treasurer's Report. See attached report.

AH sent NRP a request for the second installment of the NRP money.

AH asked to submit a statement by April 12 so that he may request funds ($4,425) from MCDA for the following year. This is for the period spanning from 6/1/96-5/31/97.

JL MOVED that the Board authorize the Treasurer to submit this statement.

DC SECONDED the motion.

The motion unanimously CARRIED.

6. Chair's Announcements--MO (for Paul Barber)

a. Surveys:

MO asked the Board members to remember to return the neighborhood survey that was included in their Board packets.

b. State of the City Address

MO stated that he appreciated the recognition that the mayor gave DMRA in this address.

c. Grocery Store:

MO stated that he heard that Lunds might be looking at Eastgate Shopping Center for a grocery store site.

7. Executive Director's Report--BPS

a. NRP Steering Committee Election:

BPS complemented Mike Olson on the excellent job that he did as the MC at the Steering Committee election. BPS congratulated Sandra Meyer, Frank Brust, Bob Saginaw, and George Rosenquist for being elected to the Steering Committee. He thanked Eunice Roo, Dolores Cotten, and Andy Hauer for helping make the Steering Committee election a success.

BPS stated that the downtown community had elected 12 persons as members of the Steering Committee and 3 persons as alternates for the Steering Committee. A position remained opened for a person of color. A formal list of the persons elected at the NRP Steering Committee election would be available.

b. Adult Entertainment Meeting-March 27:

BPS stated that the adult entertainment meeting would occur on March 27th and that a committee would be formed at this time to look at any issues that might exist due to the downtown adult entertainment industry. He informed the group that he was working with a graduate student from the University of Minnesota to explore potential strategies that would be helpful in this study. BPS also stated that this was an important meeting for DMRA and that all Board members should attend.

JL MOVED to make the March 27th meeting a general meeting of DMRA.

DH SECONDED the motion.

The motion unanimously CARRIED.

c. Organizer-Intern:

BPS stated that he had submitted the application for the organizer-intern according to AH's and PB's suggestions. He informed the group that he would be meeting with Jay Clark soon to discuss the application.

JL MOVED for Board authorization of the application.

BS SECONDED the motion.

The motion unanimously CARRIED.

8. Employment Committee Report--AH

Director's 90-Day Performance and Salary Review.

AH informed the group that the employment committee had met to discuss BPS's performance and wage review. The committee elected to increase BPS's wages by two dollars an hour, effective three months after December 1, 1995.

GR stated that a vote was not taken at this employment committee meeting.

AH and DC both stated that a vote was taken. AH and DC informed the group that, at the employment committee meeting, much discussion occurred and AH MOVED to increase BPS's wages. DC SECONDED the motion. GR abstained.

DH stated that he agreed with the employment committee's decision because Mr. Stark has done a splendid job.

9. Bicycle Committee Report--DH

DH invited people to join the bicycle committee.

Frank Brust informed the group that the problem has already been addressed. He is a member of the Bicycle Advisory Committee, which has evaluated the bicycle problems on Nicollet Mall. He stated that bicyclists may use the Nicollet Mall between 6:00 p.m.-6:00 a.m. and weekends. Bicyclists are always prohibited from riding on the sidewalks. However, enforcement of bicycle rules is a problem.

10. Central City Neighborhood Partnership--GR

GR discussed the meeting between Judge Burke and the surrounding neighborhoods.

Election of Secretary:

Mike Olson opened the floor for nominations for the Secretary position.

DH MOVED to nominate DC.

BS SECONDED the nomination.

JL MOVED to close the nominations.

AH SECONDED the motion.

The motion unanimously CARRIED.

The Board recognized GR for his service as Secretary and Chair.

Old Business:

NRP Participation Agreement--BPS

BPS stated that the current copy of the NRP Participation Agreement reflects the changes made by NRP and the DMRA Board. BPS noted that the current copy also reflects an updated and revised timeline. This timeline more accurately reflects the budget and provides a clearer understanding of the Steering Committee's objectives and the suggested time to complete these objectives.

BPS also called attention to a change in the "NRP STEERING COMMITTEE" section. The change from the last Board meeting had been deleted and the original language was restored. NRP suggested that the original language was more inclusive and that NRP would accept the original language. PB conducted a voice vote over the phone. MO, BS, GR, JL, PB, AH voted to restore the original language.

BPS stated that part of the language under the "STEERING COMMITTEE RELATIONSHIP WITH DMRA" section was confusing. Specifically the part that stated that the Steering Committee shall "establish a budget for itself." This statement could suggest that the Steering Committee must establish a budget for itself. The budget for the Steering Committee has already been established and, therefore, the Steering Committee will not need to establish a budget. Additionally, the Steering Committee may not alter the budget without first receiving approval from NRP and the DMRA Board. BPS stated that this should be clarified so that the new Steering Committee members do not think that they must establish some type of budget.

JL MOVED to postpone approval of the NRP Participation Agreement.

DH SECONDED the motion.

The motion unanimously CARRIED.

New Business: None

DC Moved for adjournment.

JL Seconded the motion.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Submitted by Bill Stark, Executive Director

Reviewed by Dee Cotten, Secretary