Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association

Minutes from Board of Directors Meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hennepin Center for the Arts

528 Hennepin Avenue, Suite 310, Minneapolis, Minnesota

I.          Call to Order and Introductions

            Board Chair Carletta Sweet called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Other board members in attendance included Andy Hauer; Denise Holt; Kim Motes; Scott Parkin, Secretary; and George Rosenquist.  Board members Tom Hoch, Vice Chair; and Cynthia Newsom, Treasurer, were absent.    

Guests in attendance included:  Jeff Berman, Snap Fitness; Michelle Bruch, Downtown Journal; and Claire Harding, downtown resident and representative from Friends of Triangle Park.

Staff member Christie Rock also attended the meeting.

II.        Consideration of the Agenda

Board Chair Sweet asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda.  Kim Motes requested to add something under new business.

Hauer moved and Motes seconded a motion to approve the agenda.  Sweet called for discussion.  The motion passed. 

III.       Downtown Update by Ward 7 Council Member Lisa Goodman

Council Member Lisa Goodman gave the DMNA board an update on the following projects and activities:

·         Hennepin County Library Board – Seeking members for the merged City / County board

·         Community Engagement Task Force – Continuing to discuss the future of citizen engagement in the city of Minneapolis

·         Wireless Network – All of Downtown is now up and running.  Some customers have experienced problems

·         Transportation Plan – Public meetings being held to discuss the feasibility study

·         Lunch with Lisa – October 24 meeting at St. Thomas.  The topic is 7th Ward residents who serve on City boards and commissions 

·         Loring Park, North Loop and Elliot Park Dog Parks – Loring and North Loop both operational.  Elliot Park in design phase

·         Brighton Development – City is taking the Portland Avenue live/work site back from Brighton Development

·         Parcel A – City is in the process of preparing an RFP for Parcel A.  This site is across from the Carlyle

·         CVS site – Brighton Development is considering rental units for this former Sherman site

·         Rottlund Homes – Has exclusive rights to parking lot near the Guthrie Theatre

·         The Wave – Developer is suing the City and Park Board.  Effort being led to put the land in permanent trust

IV.       Friends of Triangle Park

Claire Harding, a representative from the recently formed organization Friends of Triangle Park, introduced herself to the DMNA board.  She began by explaining where the park is located which is near the entrance to the city at Grant Park.  The parkland is actually owned by MNDOT. 

Harding stated that the City recently entered into an agreement with MNDOT to lease the property.  The City is now mowing the property and picking up trash, the police are patrolling on a regular basis.  The Minneapolis Park Board foresters have also become involved by helping to identify diseased trees. 

Harding indicated that the purpose of the newly created organization is very similar to that of the Friends of Loring Park.  Essentially, it is a group of residents that banded together to address the overall appearance of the park, as well as criminal activity in and around the park.  The organization is in the process of becoming a 501(c)(3), but it has already raised quite a bit of money that will be used for planters next spring. 

Harding stated that her reason for coming to the DMNA board meeting was to let the organization know that the Friends of Triangle Park is seeking board members from across the Downtown community. 

Several DMNA board members inquired about granting NRP funds to Friends of Triangle Park.  Staff member Christie Rock indicated that she would need to check with Barb Lickness, as NRP has policies about providing dollars to organizations that are not 501 (c)(3)’s.  Furthermore, there may be concerns about providing funds for land that the City does not known.  However, the project does seem to fit nicely with the Downtown Identity strategy. 

Harding thanked the DMNA board and said she would follow-up with Rock regarding the timeline for obtaining 501(c)(3) status. 

V.        Land Use Committee (LUC) Report

LUC Chair Andy Hauer introduced the following land use item:

·         Snap Fitness.  Hauer introduced the Jeff Berman from Snap Fitness.  Berman indicated that he is applying for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to operate the club 24 hours.  The club will be located in the first floor of the Thrivent Financial building.  There is on-site security.  Club security cameras will be linked to Thrivent cameras. 

Motes moved and Sweet seconded a motion to approve the conditional use permit for Snap Fitness.  Sweet called for discussion.  The motion passed

VI.       Crime and Safety Committee (C&SC) Report

            Due to the absence of C&SC Chair Tom Hoch, no report was given.

VII.     Marketing / Communications Project Update

Board Secretary Scott Parkin gave an update to the board on the Downtown Identity, or marketing and communications project / logo redesign / website project. 

Parkin indicated that Sassfrass Design is making progress on the website.  The Identity Committee has reviewed and discussed ideas for the home page, plus basic navigation concepts.

There was some additional discussion regarding the new logo design.

Parkin expressed a willingness to give a presentation at the DMNA annual meeting regarding the new logo and website design.

VIII.    Consideration of July 10, 2007 Board Minutes

Motes moved and Hauer seconded a motion to approve the minutes from the July 10, 2007 board meeting.  Sweet called for discussion.  The motion passed

IX.       Consideration of July 2007 Financial Report

Staff member Christie Rock distributed and explained the F2007 Budget vs. Actual as of October 2007.

Parkin moved and Holt seconded a motion to receive and file the October 2007 Financial document.  Sweet called for any discussion.  The motion passed. 

X.        Old Business / New Business / Other Business

·         Consideration of budget modification for Phase 1 NRP contract.  Staff member Christie Rock explained the proposed budget modification for the Phase 1 NRP Contract.  In light of the problems facing NRP right now, it makes sense to contract all of the remaining NRP dollars. 

·         Selection of NRP Policy Board electors and alternates.  Andy Hauer was nominated to serve as the elector for the Downtown West neighborhood and Kathleen Anderson was nominated to serve as the elector for Downtown East.  Rock will contact Anderson to confirm that she is available to serve as an elector.  She will also send an email to the DMNA email list to determine whether there are any downtown residents willing to serve as alternates. 

·         Continued discussion regarding 2007 annual membership meeting.  The annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 13, at 7:00 p.m. at the Crown Roller Mill, Second Floor Atrium.  There was significant discussion regarding the list of speakers.  Board members suggested the Mayor, CPED Director Mike Christenson, and Inspector Harteau of the First Precinct.  Scott Parkin expressed an interest in having Sarah McKenzie, editor of the Downtown Journal, give a presentation.

·         Shubert Performing Arts and Education Center.  Kim Motes indicated that the project is ready to move forward.  The construction contract has been awarded to McGough.  Motes requested the opportunity to speak about the project at the DMNA annual meeting. 

X1.      Adjournment

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Signed this ________ day of ________________________, 2007.

_______________________________             _______________________________
Chair                                                                   Secretary