Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association
Minutes from October 8, 2002 Board of Directors Meeting

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association, Inc. (DMNA) was held on Tuesday, October 8, 2002 at DMNA’s office located at 800 LaSalle Avenue, Suite 131, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I.       Call to Order

With a quorum present, Mark Moller, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.   Other board members in attendance included: Larry Calhoun; Dee Cotten; Andrew Hauer; Leslie Hirsch; Tom Hoch, Vice Chair; Gerry Spry, Treasurer; and Carletta Sweet, Secretary.  Others in attendance included:  Melissa Bach, B.C. Bar N Grill; June Harmon; Ellen Nigon, Skyway News; William Peebles, owner and operator of B.C. Bar N Grill; Larissa Presho, State Representative candidate; Christie Rock, DMNA Neighborhood Coordinator; Mike Rollin, Community Organizer, Restorative Justice Program; Dan Schultz, General Manager, Gameworks; and Paul Zerby, 2nd Ward Councilmember.

II.  Visitor Presentations

GameWorks (GW)

Dan Schultz distributed GW’s sales kits (Attachment 1) and advised that they are going before the City Council to seek a liquor license and was recommended to go before DMNA.  GW will be a major anchor tenant on Block E at the corner of 7th Street and Hennepin Avenue occupying two levels.  GW will consist of high-tech entertainment, a full-service upscale restaurant, and two bars where guests can eat, drink, party and play.  It will be open 7 days a week from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.   GW also has other domestic and international locations.

Andy moved and Dee seconded to recommend the granting of a liquor license to GameWorks.  The motion was carried by majority vote.

B.C. Bar N Grill

William Peebles distributed documentation (Attachment 2) related to the 10,500 square foot, 400 to 475 occupancy, short-order menu, B.C. Bar N Grill being constructed at 415 Nicollet Mall (in the formerly McDonalds space).  William advised that the controversy surrounding his project related to his application for a Class A liquor license which in Minnesota allows for “adult entertainment” resulting in neighborhood uproar.

After clarifying the type of establishment BCBNG will actually be and the resulting reclassification of the liquor license, Andy moved and Tom seconded to take no position on the licensing issue.  The motion failed.  After further discussion, Lisa moved and Dee seconded to recommend approval of a liquor license for BCBNG.  The motion was carried by majority vote.     

Restorative Justice

Andy moved and Dee seconded to support the addition of Whittier Alliance, West Bank Community Coalition, and the North Loop Neighborhood Association to the Central City Neighborhoods Partnership (Attachment 3).  Mike Rollin clarified that this relates strictly to the CCNP and not the Restorative Justice Program.  The RJP is one activity that the partners within CCNP participate.  The motion was carried unanimously.

Mike then announced the expansion of the RJP program.  The current Advisory Team is comprised of the four neighborhoods served, but beginning in January 2003 will need to be comprised of the seven neighborhoods served.  Therefore, in June 2002 the Advisory Team approved changes to its structure:  from three members to two members per neighborhood; and from bi-annual to annual appointments (January-December).  Mark distributed a questionnaire for prospective members (Attachment 4) and advised that all current representatives will need to reapply as well as the new participating neighborhood associations.  Mark then asked that, on a provisional basis, their staff will continue for the time being to monitor the service assignments for DMNA.  The board agreed.

III. Q&A with Councilmember Paul Zerby

Paul advised that he was glad to hear of the expansion of the Restorative Justice Program.  He thinks it’s a terrific program that addresses the kinds of issues that we’re concerned with in many neighborhoods across the cities.  Time constraints required Paul to leave immediately thereafter.

IV.       Committee Reports

1.  Finance.  The F2002 Preliminary Budget vs. Actual as of August and September 2002 (Attachment 5) as well as the check register from August 1 through October 2, 2002 were received and accepted unanimously and Tom suggested that the board should routinely do so going forward.

Mark moved and
Dee seconded to pay the $500 band fee for James Cornbread Harris and Friends for National Night Out held on August 6, 2002.  The motion was carried unanimously.  Mark also moved and Dee seconded to approve expenses Al Smith said he incurred in 1999 and 2000 for copying and stationary in the amount of $149.69.  Due to the significant lapse in time for Al having sought reimbursement, Tom spoke against the motion.  The motion was rejected unanimously.

Gerry moved and Tom seconded to set a policy for all fixed assets over $500 in costs to be capitalized for depreciation purposes going forward.  The motion was carried unanimously.

2.  Land Use.  Gerry advised that the LUC met and considered three projects:

The Olive Garden’s application for a liquor license.  The OG is a family chain restaurant to be located at the corner of 6th Street and Hennepin Avenue (the former La Cucaraca space);

ING Corporate Properties’ (formerly ReliaStar) application for a sign variance at
20 Washington Avenue;

HGA Architects application for a conditional use permit for a surface parking lot at
1022 Hennepin Avenue

Gerry moved and Lisa seconded to approve all three applications.  The motion was carried unanimously.

Tom then advised the board that the Pantages Theatre is also seeking a Class C2 liquor license (a public hearing on which to be held on October 16th).  Andy moved and Dee seconded to approve such application.  The motion was carried by majority vote with Tom abstaining.

3.  Governance.  Tom moved and Dee seconded to approve the revised amendments to the Bylaws.  The motion was passed 7 to 1.

4.  Public Relations.  The PR Committee to meet immediately following the instant board meeting.

V.        Old Business

Annual Meeting

Tom announced that the Pantages Theatre would be available for the annual meeting if held on Tuesday, November 12th and agreed to approach the MCDA to waive the $900 union stagehand labor cost as well as the rental fee.  He and Christie will confirm the arrangements in time to include on the mailing notification.  Additional discussion was held about the specific agenda items, advertising, mailing, invited guests, and refreshments.  It was suggested to conduct a regularly scheduled board meeting at 6:00 p.m. followed by the annual meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Andy moved and Dee seconded to have the League of Women Voters conduct the election at the annual meeting.  The motion was passed unanimously.

Due to the term expiration of Larry Calhoun, Leslie Hirsch, Mark Moller, Carletta Sweet, Mark advised that there are four board vacancies.  Larry, Leslie and Carletta indicated that they would run again.  Gerry forewarned that at the end of October her company could request that she relocate to Phoenix as well as the possibility that she could be changing positions yet again that would force her relocation to one of five other locations.

Affordable Housing

Mark discussed the three objectives he would like to pursue in setting the direction for the affordable housing program:  develop a good process to reflect the needs of the community (as opposed to a political agenda) and apply the funds appropriately; fund two to three projects; and help small to mid-size businesses assist their employees live downtown.  Andy indicated that he would like the board to be involved in at least four projects within DMNA’s area by leveraging the NRP funds, and with all of the development proposed in the master plan (especially in Downtown East) there would be ample opportunity to do so.  Tom stated that he’d like for the board to do something that makes a difference, that is focused, more concentrated, and efficient (e.g., work force housing).  Leslie suggested that the board’s baseline should be on developments required to contain 20 percent affordable since those projects are more viable and would attract people of all income levels.  Larry suggested that a committee should be established to formulate appropriate guidelines.

Mark moved and Larry seconded to form a specific committee whose purpose would be to outline a process and guidelines for the NRP housing money then formulate a recommendation for the board to act on.  The motion was carried unanimously.  Mark also suggested soliciting volunteers to sit on this committee at the annual meeting.

VI.       New Business

Liaison Reports

Hennepin Avenue Streetscape.  Tom advised they met with the developer of Block E before improvements were made and had some impact:  the paving is the same as will appear on Hennepin Avenue except for the pink coloring, and although the planters will not be the same, the trees and the lighting should substantially be the same.  Tom also advised that they are currently pulling all of the documentation together so that construction can begin in April and completed by November 2003.

NRP Policy Board.  Andy nominated himself as the elector from Downtown West and Cathleen Anderson as the elector from Downtown East to the NRP Policy Board, the forms for which to be returned to the League of Women Voters.  The nominations were unanimously approved.

VII.     Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m.

Signed and approved by

_________________________                                                          _________________________
Chair                                                                                        Secretary or Board Officer

Attachment 1

[GameWorks Fact Sheets]

Attachment 2

[B.C. Bar N Grill Documentation]

Attachment 3

[Addition of Neighborhoods to CCNP Resolution]

Attachment 4

[Questionnaire for Prospective Members]

Attachment 5

[F2002 Preliminary Budget vs. Actual as of August 2002]