Land Acknowledgement:
The Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association (DMNA) would like to acknowledge the critical role of the Wakpá Tháŋka(Mississippi River), and the long history of the Dakota peoples, whose land surrounds the Wakpá Tháŋka, that lived on the land we are living on today. We would like to acknowledge their ancestors who lived in, and were sustained by this area and were removed from here.
The area encompassed by the DMNA is on the traditional tribal lands and utilizes this land to live and sustain a diverse and growing population that welcomes all peoples to live and work, including the Dakota people.
The DMNA commits to supporting the indigenous peoples by creating projects that acknowledge ancestors of and promote contributions to all indigenous people in the Twin Cities Metro Area.
Minnesota is the Traditional Homeland of the Dakota People. Through the link below, you will find three Dakota land maps that tell the past, present, and future of the Dakota people and their language. Audio is provided by Dawi. The art was done by Marlena Myles. You can download free 8.5″ x 11″ copies of the maps or order prints.
The Dakota People. Dakota people are comprised of four groups: The Bdewakantunwan (Mdewakanton), Wahpetunwan (Wahpeton), Wahpekute, and Sissitunwan (Sisseton) people form what is known as the Isanti (Santee), or eastern Dakota (a word that means ally).
For more information, please visit the Minnesota Historical Society website.
Make a contribution:
The American Indian Center
You Are On Native Land Swag
Learn More:
Red Lake Nation College – Minneapolis Campus
American Indian Cultural Corridor/NACDI
American Indian Family Center
Little Earth
Visit the MPRB Indigenous Market at Water Works Park:
Where: 425 West River Parkway
When: Fridays, 10 am-2 pm; June 2-Aug. 25
The market will feature vendors from NĀTIFS, the Indigenous Food Lab in the Midtown Global Market.
MRPB Park Markets webpage
The Tatanka Food Truck will also be at Water Works Park tentatively starting Memorial Day weekend.